Why Facial Yoga Can be Painful?

If you’ve tried one of my face yoga classes you’ll know it’s not so easy and often times for many it can be painful.

Let me explain why 🤔

Firstly, let me highlight face yoga is a workout for your facial muscles, so some level of discomfort should be expected. We’re strengthening and building muscles.

Now, If you’re holding a lot of tension in your facial muscles, you will find the exercises will cause some level of discomfort. This is especially the case for those who grind their teeth, clench their jaw, or have TMJ pain or bruxism.

The reason being is purely because the muscles are super tight, and always contracted causing lots of tension. In some cases the muscle can actually feel like a rock, it’s that tense. So, you can imagine the amount of stretching and massaging that would be needed to loosen it up!

If your muscles are tight, you can expect to find performing, any jaw exercises or exercises with the long “O” uncomfortable to begin with. This will ease with regular practise.

We are stretching & creating resistance and the opposite resistance (strengthening and relaxing the muscle at the same time).

It’s just like when you stretch a super tight muscles on the body. It can feel painful but the more you stretch the better it feels, Same principle here!

If you’re new to face yoga and find the exercises challenging. My advice is DO NOT give up because it’s uncomfortable. The discomfort will pass, and it will become easier. Note- take the discomfort as a sign that you need to practise more! 💪🏽

Join me in the Revive Studio App where you can learn the exercises and lots more.