What are essential oils?

Essential oils are found all around us. They occur naturally in flowers, trees, and seeds helping to protect the plants from environmental threats. They can help heal and protect us. By extracting the essential oils we can provide similar protections and healing to our bodies. This concentrated oil offers powerful chemistry for supporting our bodies.  A little goes a long way, oils are metabolised very quickly by our bodies so you only need one to two drops to make a difference. Consistency is key - frequent use has the most impact, so even using an oil every 20 minutes can be great depending upon the acuity of the issue you are targeting.

Why doTERRA?

Many people often ask why I choose dōTERRA oils exclusively for myself and my son. Did you know the essential oil industry is actually not regulated by any agency? This means companies are free to dilute the oils, use synthetics, pesticides, and even utilise parts of the plant that do not have therapeutic properties and they can label it as "pure" essential oil. Personally, I need to be sure what I am putting on my son is safe & effective.  So what makes dōTERRA different and sets them apart from every other oil company out there? DōTERRA has set the bar for essential oil quality and purity exceeding industry standards and ensuring the oil you are buying is not only going to be effective but it will also safe.

There are two main ways they do this;


DōTERRA travels worldwide to find the purest oils where the plants indigenously grow as this is a huge factor in the oil's potency. A plant grown in its native location will have a different chemical composition than one forced to grow somewhere else. It makes sense when you think of all the factors that go into growing a plant - all of which cannot be perfectly controlled - sunlight, altitude, water quality, soil to the area, temperature. They find farmers to partner with (no brokers are ever used) that have been harvesting the land/plants for generations and they work with them to provide them with a living wage (as many of these farmers live in developing countries). In addition, they follow all of their standards including using no pesticides or chemicals, utilising only the therapeutic part of the plant and a very careful distillation process is used that DōTERRA oversees. Through this co-impact sourcing initiative they also help build schools, running water, housing, health clinics, and more to help develop communities. DōTERRA has 96% exclusivity with their oils - no one has the same exact chemical profile nor gets their oils from the same place.

Testing & Purity of Essential Oils

When oils are comprised with fillers, contaminants, or other elements that alter their purity they will not function to their highest capacity. Many oils on the market are created to be "fragrance" meaning they do not even have therapeutic properties. DōTERRA wants to make sure you are getting the purest oil possible therefore they run 54 types of testing on each litre of oil to ensure it is pure and potent (meaning it has the chemical composition it is supposed to). Every litre is also sent out for third-party testing and you can go to www.sourcetoyou.com to put in the lot number from the bottle in your hand to see the 3rd party results! No other company is as transparent as this, they want you to know you are getting the very best! If the oil does not pass the test it will not be sold, period. For me this was the largest determining factor in deciding to use DōTERRA for my family - if it is going on my son’s skin I need to be sure it is not compromised in any way.

Start your oil journey today!

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